Q Timex Reissue Digital LCA 32.5mm Stainless Steel Bracelet Watch
The ’80s are back
Call us nostalgic, but we love digging into our archives. This time we found a digital watch from the late 80s we just had to bring back. Our Q Timex Reissue Digital LCA, liquid crystal analog, recreates the original right down to the unique digital/analog display. We’ve updated it with a stainless-steel case, but kept the pre-INDIGLO® single-bulb backlight for a truly retro vibe.
Call us nostalgic, but we love digging into our archives. This time we found a digital watch from the late 80s we just had to bring back. Our Q Timex Reissue Digital LCA, liquid crystal analog, recreates the original right down to the unique digital/analog display. We’ve updated it with a stainless-steel case, but kept the pre-INDIGLO® single-bulb backlight for a truly retro vibe.